Friday, July 16, 2010

Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past.....

So.  He left.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I was still thinking that there was a small chance that Shane wouldn't go. Don't get me wrong, I knew that this was the right decision for him to go on his six-week journey...... but now...... without him.......

I am SO proud of Shane.  It has been a complete paradigm shift for him to give up the "safe" life; manager salary, bonus checks, health insurance, 401K, etc.  There were many reasons to keep his job and only one to leave it:  God has more for him. Shane's soul was being sucked dry!  It was so hard to watch him come home everyday, losing a little bit more of himself every time.

Shane and I have never had a "conventional" marriage.  We don't have kids, we didn't buy a house for almost 10 years, we let random amazing people live with us.....  and now to add another to the list I am the breadwinner.  :)

So, to all of you out there that are trying to venture into a new chapter and it looks a little weird, or feels uncomfortable.......  JUST DO IT.   What is the worst thing that could happen?  Failure is not an option, because there is no failure in trying!  Only good can come out of being bold and walking the path that you were meant for.

Isaiah 43:1-2 says this:

But now, this is what the LORD says—
       he who created you, O Jacob,
       he who formed you, O Israel:
       "Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
       I have summoned you by name; you are mine.   
2 When you pass through the waters,
       I will be with you;
       and when you pass through the rivers,
       they will not sweep over you.
       When you walk through the fire,
       you will not be burned;
       the flames will not set you ablaze.

And my favorite verses right now, perfect for this journey are farther down the chapter in verse 18 and 19:

"Forget the former things;
       do not dwell on the past.
 19 See, I am doing a new thing!
       Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
       I am making a way in the desert
       and streams in the wasteland.

Shane and I are both going through a desert experience.  Will you come and join us?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dog farts are the worst smell in the world

We have a new dog, Carter. He is a Westie. We have had him about a month, taking the canine population in our house to three. We got Carter so that Beasley our Jack Russell Terrier would have a play buddy. They are so happy together! Fighting, biting, running, sleeping; they do most things together.

My play buddy is leaving soon. Shane is leaving for his six-week west coast extravaganza trip once his lens from Canon comes back. Since Shane has quit his job six weeks ago we have done everything together; shopping, cleaning the house, walking, eating, snuggling. This time has been so precious to me. The thought of being without him is really, really hard. The longest we have been apart is about 15 days and this will be about three times as long.

I guess the reason that I have started this blog is to document this time. I am really excited about the growth that will happen in my relationship with Jesus. Shane is not a distraction, butI know I rely on him a lot to keep my moods in check, make me laugh and just make me feel better. I am interested to know how I will do once my "safety net" (Shane) is gone. Some days will be good......... some not so good.

One of the only things I don't like about Carter is how stinky he is. Truly, dog farts are the worst smell in the world. But he is such a great dog overall, that I can't help but love him. So I guess this time of Shane being gone will be stinky (LOL) but the growth and personal reflection that will happen for both of us is worth it all.

Please be praying for both of us, we appreciate all your love and support.
